July 4, 2023
Blog by Thomas Lack
The Acoustic Guitar Ensemble is Available Now
7 Guitars all playing in unison: what a delightful sound! Like the other special instrument ensemses in Soundpaint (Glockenspiel Ensemble, Cimbalom Ensemble, and so on), the Guitar Ensemble really transforms the sound into something new. The various types of plucks all sound like a cross between a guitar and some other instrument. To me, the harmonics sound a bit like a guitar-harp (guitarp?), and the regular sustained plucks sound like a guitar dulcimer… It’s tough to describe, so take a listen for yourself:
There are a lot of different guitars in Soundpaint: electric guitars, zithers, ukuleles, custom made instruments from Nicolas Bras, and so on. All of these instruments are wonderful to play in Soundpaint, and you can play them as a guitar, a synth, or in any way you want - Soundpaint is transformative in that way. With the guitar ensemble, the sound was already transformed at the time of recording, so I am excited to see what else this ensemble can do in Soundpaint.