Brown Auto 64 UDS

Brown Auto 64 UDS


True. Vintage. Beat Machine

The wonderful Auto-Vari was designed to sit above an organ, and was meant to sonically complement your tonewheel riffing while still being able to compete in the mix. This vintage drum machine has a generally softer, lo-fi sound when compared to an 808, but that makes it perfect for a 60s Bossa Nova or a mellow 70s Soul Ballad, and it still packs its own kind of warm analog punch.

Each octave in the single Soundpaint Part is set up as a different kit, with some variations in each. Aside from the Auto-Vari's distinctive thumpy kick and tight snare, you'll find noise-based hi-hats and cymbals, as well as snare bounces and rolls, and a truly unique analog cowbell sound.

The Auto-Vari 64 got its name from its ancient analog pattern sequencer, which could automatically insert fills and other pattern variations after a pre-selected number of measures played. With the Soundpaint arpeggiator, you have full control over creating and playing your own incredibly expressive analog drum beats.


Brown Auto 64 UDS

See the Brown Auto-Vari 64 in action

Brown Auto 64 UDS
Brown Auto 64 UDS
Brown Auto 64 UDS
Brown Auto 64 UDS
Brown Auto 64 UDS
Brown Auto 64 UDS
Brown Auto 64 UDS
Brown Auto 64 UDS
Brown Auto 64 UDS
Brown Auto 64 UDS


Brown Auto-Vari 64

  • Brown Auto - Varu 64


  • Programs: 19 (W/ 1 Additional Hidden Gem)
  • P(arts): 1
  • Size: 148.5 MB
  • 431 Real-Time Samples™
  • Sample Resolution: 48 Khz / 24 Bit Stereo, .RTS (Real Time Sample) format


  • Compatible with Windows (Version 10 and above) and Mac (OS X 10.14 and above) on both Intel and Apple ARM (M Chip) architectures. Supported plug-in formats include Stand-alone, VST, VST3, AU, and AAX. Soundpaint engine is optimized for high-efficiency performance across all major Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) and hyper optimized for SSD.
  • Minimum System Requirements: Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU, 16 GB of RAM or more recommended. SSD recommended.

"Warm, like a Lava Lamp."

—Taiho Yamada
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Brown Auto 64 UDS