Beautiful Noises

Beautiful Noises

All Sound is Music

We sometimes get stuck in the rules of what is music and what is not.

Beautiful Noises embraces the sound of life.  It contains over 1700 deep soundscapes recorded in 25 different countries. From the radioactive zone in Ukraine to native Voodoo rituals in Haiti. From exotic animals in the Amazon Rainforest to distant thunder in the French countryside. 

Beautiful Noises is all about large ambient soundscapes turned into instruments.  All beautifully recorded with some of the best analog field equipment in the world and with no further noise reduction.  This is the way our beautiful world sounds.  Whether nature itself.  The animals.  The oceans and forests.  Our man-made reality in all its sonic glory.  Whether it be humans or mechanical sounds.


Beautiful Noises

See Beautiful Noises in action



Beautiful Noises Types

  • Animals L
  • ASMR Ambiences
  • ASMR E Brush
  • ASMR Found Sounds
  • ASMR Textures
  • Burning Man
  • Countryside L
  • Fleet Week
  • Humans L
  • Rainforest L
  • Rattlesnakes
  • Rattlesnakes L
  • Spring Street
  • Summer Rain
  • Vibration L
  • Voices 1 L
  • Voices 2 L
  • Voices 3 L
  • Water L
  • Wind and Storms L

Beautiful Noises PR. Country

  • Amazonian Forest
  • Aquatic
  • Argentina Patagonia
  • Belgium
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
  • Chile Desert
  • Chile Valparaiso
  • France
  • Haiti
  • Kinshasa
  • Mali
  • Mexico
  • Morocoo
  • Portugal
  • Praque
  • Romania
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • Thailand
  • Turkey
  • Ukraine
  • USA Arizona
  • USA California
  • USA California Rain
  • USA Center
  • USA New Mexico
  • USA Texas
  • Venezuela
  • World


Beautiful Noises Types

  • Programs: 17
  • P(arts): 20
  • Size: 14.22 GB
  • Sample Resolution: 48 Khz / 24 Bit Stereo, .RTS (Real Time Sample) format

Beautiful Noises PR. Country

  • Programs: 69
  • P(arts): 31
  • Size: 66.95 GB
  • Sample Resolution: 48 Khz / 24 Bit Stereo, .RTS (Real Time Sample) format


  • Compatible with Windows (Version 10 and above) and Mac (OS X 10.14 and above) on both Intel and Apple ARM (M Chip) architectures. Supported plug-in formats include Stand-alone, VST, VST3, AU, and AAX. Soundpaint engine is optimized for high-efficiency performance across all major Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) and hyper optimized for SSD.
  • Minimum System Requirements: Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU, 16 GB of RAM or more recommended. SSD recommended.

“Music to my ears”

—Troels Folmann
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Beautiful Noises